Tuesday 9 December 2008

Mixmag Magazine Article

The choice of band featured in the article suggests that the target audience will be young and energetic as the group are young and make dance music. The type of language used in the article is informal as the type of questions used are the type you ask your friends such as “what’s your perfect Saturday night?” Or the way the magazine says “give us a clue” this is informal and a more friendly way to ask questions. The colours used are very plain as they use mainly black but a bit of pink to give it a retro feel. The style of the text is modern but a bit plain apart from the first letter of the article which is a big k its style is very retro as well. The double page spread is laid out as one big image of the lead singer of the band on one side which doesn’t appear to be photo shopped which makes it look more personal with the reader. The other side of the double page spread has an interview with him.

The sort of tone used in this interview is very “close personal friend” with the reader as they begin the article with an explanation to the reader on who he is and it build up the mood for the reader before reading the article. Then the magazine asks him questions which they know the reader want to know like “what’s the maddest thing you’ve seen at an after party” his answers to most of the questions like this are very personal and could be called secrets. Therefore as he is telling the reader it makes the relationship more personal with the reader.

The image is not photo shopped and is very simple, it looks like they haven’t tried to change it however as he is looking straight at the camera and smiling , it gives the reader the feeling that he is looking and smiling at them and therefore shows his friendly and personal side.
The styles of the article and of the front cover are different as the article looks more formal then the front cover. However there are some colourful features at the top of the page which make it blend in with magazine more. This article doesn’t really require a lot of knowledge prior to reading the article as they give you this at the beginning of the article. However they do expect the reader to have listened to this artist’s music as they ask questions like “why now for a more dancey album?” and “what’s the reason you gave this album a more of a dance edge?”

Kerrang magazine article

The choice of band featured in this article suggests that the target audience of this magazine is rockers, people who love to listen to rock, metal or punk.The language used in this magazine show that this magazine represents a hardcore audience who like loud and aggressive audience. They use words like “f**ing my wife…a sh*t load of drinking’ this sort of language gives the impression that they have a very rock style life which is exactly the sort of thing that the reader wants to read. The articles main two colours are green and black which are manly and scary colours, the style of text used in not very formal especially in the article title where they use a font which has a style of splattered paint.Half the page is taken up by images and the other is where the article is, however it is also covered by bold titles which come across to the article side front the image side.

The article is an interview and the questions are from the readers, therefore the way they address the reader is like the reader is “a close friend”.
The image used shows them wearing glasses and looking at the camera with a” I don’t care “attitude. The image is in black and white which makes them look slightly scarier and as the image was taken so that they look like their looking down at the reader which also makes them look scarier.The style of the front cover and the style of the article are very different apart from the similar fonts used. The article demands prior knowledge of the band as otherwise the questions may not make sense. e.g. there is a question that says “what was your beef with Robb Flynn about?” the reader has to know who Robb Flynn is in order to be interested in the question.

Questionnaire and Results

Name……………………. Age………………………

1) What genre of music are you more interested in?
a) R&B b) Hip Hop c) Slow Jams d) Funky c) Pop

2) Who would you like to read more about?
a) Beyonce b) Lil Wayne c) Pretty Ricky d) Rihanna c) T-Pain

3) What promotional features would you prefer to get with the magazine?
a) Cd’s b) Calendars c) Posters d) Stickers c) Vouchers

4) Do you think that contents pages should be kept nice and simple or should include images?
a) Simple b) images

5) What is your price limit when purchasing a magazine?

a. 50p - £1 b. £1 - £2 c. £2 - £3 d. £3 +

6) What other things would you like to see?
E.g. gossip column, agony aunt


7) What on the front cover interests you when you purchase a magazine?
a) The images b) the sell lines c) the goodies

8) What colours on the front cover are you attract to?
(Please circle as many as you want)

a. Pink b. Yellow c. Red d. Green e. Orange f. Blue

9) If Cd’s were to be provided, would you like them to have new unsigned artists as well as popular artists?

a) Definitely b) never

Contents page of school magazine

How I made my ruff version contents page for school magazine

First of all I added a background using an orange gradient.
Then I took a picture of my friends and cut out the background of it. I also put a pink border around the image.
I put the edited picture on the background and then I started adding the titles and sub headings ECT.

How I would improve it

I would improve my contents by adding more writing and make it more appealing. I could also add more images and pages.
Obviously with more time I can make my magazine better.

College Magazine front cover

How I made my ruff version of my magazine

First of all I added a background using a red gradient.
Then I took a picture of my friend and cut out the background of it.
I put the edited picture on the background and then I started adding the titles and sub headings ECT.

How I would improve it

I would improve my magazine by adding more writing and make it more appealing. I am also missing the barcode, buzz words and other features that magazines also have.
Obviously with more time I can make my magazine better.

The Evolution of Britney Spears

How has the image been framed and taken from above making Britney spears look vulnerable and young. As we already know his magazine is mainly aimed at men therefore they use girls as the front cover to attract the reader. The lighting used emphasizes her curves to make her look like she has a perfect body. Britney is dressed in her under wear making the picture more sexy suggesting to the reader that she is not as innocent and young as they think and that she has a sexy and wild side to her. This is contrasted by the teletubby toy she is holding as it represents her being young still. The image setting appears to be a bed therefore its suggesting to the reader that she is inviting them in to her bed and her private life. The white shirt is an intertexual reference to her first music video where she is dressed as a school girl. However now the shirt is open and showing her bra whereas in the video she is covered up. This represents that she is growing up. The color that is mainly used is a fuchsia which represents romance and lust. This is contrasted by the white which represents her virginity and innocence but as the t shirt is open to show a black bra which may show that she is rebelling from her innocent image and she wants to be thought of as a sex symbol instead.

The image has been framed from the side to show her body shape clearly. The shot has been used to tease the male readers and show her (Britney spears) more grown up and changing into a woman. Britney is only wearing underpants therefore she is half naked; her pose is very sexual as she is sticking out her bum and allowing the reader to see the side of her breast. This image is used to make the reader think that she wants to have an intimate relationship with them. The frame of this picture is between the walls of a bedroom I can see this as there are bed sheets around her. The color that is used is white color represents purity , virginity and innocence they used this to make her look sweet and young. This picture is very ironic as it shows her half naked which is not very innocent but yet the colors used represent innocence and purity.

This image has been chosen to show Britney looking like a victim as she looks sad and unglamorous which is a contrast to her old self. The image is very close up and therefore it highlights her emotion more. The image is in black and white which represents her sadness. It seems that she wants the readers sympathy and therefore she wants an intimate and close relationship with them. This is supported by the anchorage text which says she is a tragedy therefore it makes the reader think that if they buy the magazine they will find out all of her personal information.

Comparing kerrang content page to clash’s content page

Clash magazine is a bi-monthly magazine which is aimed at 18-26 year old city slickers who enjoy live alternative music from a range of genre (e.g. rock, dance, hip-hop). The images used are more sophisticated and use older people on the front cover therefore I can see that this magazine is for more mature on the front cover therefore I can see that this magazine is for a more mature audience than that of kerrang.
The fonts and colors used in the contents page is more simplified and neat which suggest to me that the style of the magazine is very structured. Every page and its contents is neatly written in order which makes its very easy to read, unlike that of kerrang where they have lots of images which represent the content of each page.
This content page is very boring as it doest have much colors and images, just the essential items. It reminds me of a newspaper this suggests to me that the audiences are the same of those of newspapers. This is very different to the contents page of kerrang in where they use bold images and text and are very in your face magazine.

Contents page analysis- Kerrang

This magazine uses images; they have been put in a square form. As it is a rock magazine the front cover is of a rock band. The contents page has pictures of the rock bands in which the article is about.
The colors used on the font are black and yellow which show that the magazine is aimed mainly at men but also at woman as yellow is a more feminine color. The fonts are bold on the titles and on the contents of the pages but have a small normal writing on the editor’s note. These features are used to draw the reader’s attention as they stand out and as there are quiet a lot of pages, it shows that the magazine is packed with content. The colors and styles relate to the style on the front cover as they have a very similar theme.

The information is organized so it is easy to read and bold so it stands out to reader. There are two different sections in the magazine, on the left we have the contents and the pages represented by images and on the left we have the pages and the contents in writing. This tells me that the magazines images are very important part of the magazine as they determine what kind of magazine it is and it represents its genre.

The promotional features in this magazine include posters, concert tickets and having a weekly subscription of the magazine sent to your door. This is usually advertised at the front cover to make the reader buy the magazine and see it as work purchasing.
There are good concert images next to the win tickets bit and there are a lot of different covers at the bottom of the page which attract the reader even more to the subscription feature.
The magazine logo is placed all over the magazine as part of the writing. This magazine logo is K! Therefore where ever in the text there is a k in the word they will put k! Therefore this is very dominant and repetitive.

Analysis of front cover- Vibe

Vibe magazine is an R&B and Hip-hop magazine. From the issues and articles highlighted on the cover of the magazine I can see that their promoting summer music and countries to travel to. The target audience of this magazine is 16+ males their interests can include music, girls and travelling. The central image is very seductive and the magazine is using a direct mode of address which suggests that Beyonce wants a close and intimate relationship with the reader. Beyonce is in the front cover as she is very popular and she is considered a sex symbol therefore she is used to sell the magazine. The anchorage text says she ‘strips down’ which make the reader think that if they buy the magazine they will see her with fewer clothes on. This implies that the artist is opening up to the reader. The overall message the artist is giving is ‘I want you’ to the reader. The magazine different cultures of music as there genres are R&B and Hip-hop; these types of genres are very popular and therefore herd by people all over the world. I think there aren’t any specific buzz words but it does say ’10+ pages of …’ which does make the reader think the magazine is value for money as they have a lot offer. The design of the title block is quiet sexy as it is in red which represents romance and lust. This tells you that this magazine has sexy images inside. The title of the magazine ‘vibe’ tells me that the readership is interested in music with rhythm, its image is provocative and sexy and the style of magazine is close to that of magazines for men which contain sexy girls ect. The puffs of the magazine show me that the type of audience the magazine expects to get are men as they say that ‘Beyonce strips down’ and also people interested in travelling as it says ‘all city summer guide’. The colours used are black, white and red. They are attractive and also create a provocative and lustful feel to it. The magazine uses lots of artists names, 10+ pages of Beyonce stripped and download links to attract its readers.

Analysis of front cover

This magazine is a rock magazine as you can see on the front cover the issues and articles are about rock stars and their lives and music. The audiences of the magazine are over 16’s interested in rock music. Their interests could be reading about their favourite musicians, skateboarding or gigs. The central image uses a direct mode of address as they are looking straight at the camera.
This means that they are trying to make it look like they want a personal relationship with the reader. My Chemical Romance is in the front cover as they are very popular in the music world at the time the magazine was issued. The framing of the shot in the front cover is making the band look up at the reader which can give the reader a false sense of empowerment however as they have a don’t mess with us attitude its showing that even though their below the reader they are not intimidated. They might have had also an album out or where touring at the time as well. The anchorage text says ‘death drugs and revenge…they’re not okay’ this implies that the artists are violent, bad and not very nice. The overall message that this band is giving is ‘don’t mess with us’ as they intimidate the reader with their attitude. The other groups are also represented with a similar attitude as they all pretty scary.
The buzz word this magazine has used is ‘Free’ this can make the reader want to buy the magazine as they will think is value for money as they are getting a free goodie with it. The design of the magazine is gothic as they use red to represent blood and the title’s font has the look of broken glass.
The title of magazine ‘kerrang!’ almost gives the sounds similar to that of a loud guitar, this shows me that the magazine’s readership, image and style is very rebellious, loud and hardcore. This is also the same as the genre of the magazine. The puffs suggest to me that the readers the magazine expects will be interested in the magazine’s awards show and their party pictures. The slogan of the magazine is ‘Life is Loud’ this suggests that the magazine’s genre is very loud and so are their lifestyles. This helps to attract the reader as they will read that and relate it to their life and their love of loud music. The colours used are very boring but it does make the bold red colour stand out.
The strategies used by the magazines to attract its readers include exclusive features, free goodies and important articles.