Tuesday 9 December 2008

The Evolution of Britney Spears

How has the image been framed and taken from above making Britney spears look vulnerable and young. As we already know his magazine is mainly aimed at men therefore they use girls as the front cover to attract the reader. The lighting used emphasizes her curves to make her look like she has a perfect body. Britney is dressed in her under wear making the picture more sexy suggesting to the reader that she is not as innocent and young as they think and that she has a sexy and wild side to her. This is contrasted by the teletubby toy she is holding as it represents her being young still. The image setting appears to be a bed therefore its suggesting to the reader that she is inviting them in to her bed and her private life. The white shirt is an intertexual reference to her first music video where she is dressed as a school girl. However now the shirt is open and showing her bra whereas in the video she is covered up. This represents that she is growing up. The color that is mainly used is a fuchsia which represents romance and lust. This is contrasted by the white which represents her virginity and innocence but as the t shirt is open to show a black bra which may show that she is rebelling from her innocent image and she wants to be thought of as a sex symbol instead.

The image has been framed from the side to show her body shape clearly. The shot has been used to tease the male readers and show her (Britney spears) more grown up and changing into a woman. Britney is only wearing underpants therefore she is half naked; her pose is very sexual as she is sticking out her bum and allowing the reader to see the side of her breast. This image is used to make the reader think that she wants to have an intimate relationship with them. The frame of this picture is between the walls of a bedroom I can see this as there are bed sheets around her. The color that is used is white color represents purity , virginity and innocence they used this to make her look sweet and young. This picture is very ironic as it shows her half naked which is not very innocent but yet the colors used represent innocence and purity.

This image has been chosen to show Britney looking like a victim as she looks sad and unglamorous which is a contrast to her old self. The image is very close up and therefore it highlights her emotion more. The image is in black and white which represents her sadness. It seems that she wants the readers sympathy and therefore she wants an intimate and close relationship with them. This is supported by the anchorage text which says she is a tragedy therefore it makes the reader think that if they buy the magazine they will find out all of her personal information.

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