Tuesday 9 December 2008

Mixmag Magazine Article

The choice of band featured in the article suggests that the target audience will be young and energetic as the group are young and make dance music. The type of language used in the article is informal as the type of questions used are the type you ask your friends such as “what’s your perfect Saturday night?” Or the way the magazine says “give us a clue” this is informal and a more friendly way to ask questions. The colours used are very plain as they use mainly black but a bit of pink to give it a retro feel. The style of the text is modern but a bit plain apart from the first letter of the article which is a big k its style is very retro as well. The double page spread is laid out as one big image of the lead singer of the band on one side which doesn’t appear to be photo shopped which makes it look more personal with the reader. The other side of the double page spread has an interview with him.

The sort of tone used in this interview is very “close personal friend” with the reader as they begin the article with an explanation to the reader on who he is and it build up the mood for the reader before reading the article. Then the magazine asks him questions which they know the reader want to know like “what’s the maddest thing you’ve seen at an after party” his answers to most of the questions like this are very personal and could be called secrets. Therefore as he is telling the reader it makes the relationship more personal with the reader.

The image is not photo shopped and is very simple, it looks like they haven’t tried to change it however as he is looking straight at the camera and smiling , it gives the reader the feeling that he is looking and smiling at them and therefore shows his friendly and personal side.
The styles of the article and of the front cover are different as the article looks more formal then the front cover. However there are some colourful features at the top of the page which make it blend in with magazine more. This article doesn’t really require a lot of knowledge prior to reading the article as they give you this at the beginning of the article. However they do expect the reader to have listened to this artist’s music as they ask questions like “why now for a more dancey album?” and “what’s the reason you gave this album a more of a dance edge?”

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