Tuesday 9 December 2008

Contents page analysis- Kerrang

This magazine uses images; they have been put in a square form. As it is a rock magazine the front cover is of a rock band. The contents page has pictures of the rock bands in which the article is about.
The colors used on the font are black and yellow which show that the magazine is aimed mainly at men but also at woman as yellow is a more feminine color. The fonts are bold on the titles and on the contents of the pages but have a small normal writing on the editor’s note. These features are used to draw the reader’s attention as they stand out and as there are quiet a lot of pages, it shows that the magazine is packed with content. The colors and styles relate to the style on the front cover as they have a very similar theme.

The information is organized so it is easy to read and bold so it stands out to reader. There are two different sections in the magazine, on the left we have the contents and the pages represented by images and on the left we have the pages and the contents in writing. This tells me that the magazines images are very important part of the magazine as they determine what kind of magazine it is and it represents its genre.

The promotional features in this magazine include posters, concert tickets and having a weekly subscription of the magazine sent to your door. This is usually advertised at the front cover to make the reader buy the magazine and see it as work purchasing.
There are good concert images next to the win tickets bit and there are a lot of different covers at the bottom of the page which attract the reader even more to the subscription feature.
The magazine logo is placed all over the magazine as part of the writing. This magazine logo is K! Therefore where ever in the text there is a k in the word they will put k! Therefore this is very dominant and repetitive.

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