Tuesday 9 December 2008

Kerrang magazine article

The choice of band featured in this article suggests that the target audience of this magazine is rockers, people who love to listen to rock, metal or punk.The language used in this magazine show that this magazine represents a hardcore audience who like loud and aggressive audience. They use words like “f**ing my wife…a sh*t load of drinking’ this sort of language gives the impression that they have a very rock style life which is exactly the sort of thing that the reader wants to read. The articles main two colours are green and black which are manly and scary colours, the style of text used in not very formal especially in the article title where they use a font which has a style of splattered paint.Half the page is taken up by images and the other is where the article is, however it is also covered by bold titles which come across to the article side front the image side.

The article is an interview and the questions are from the readers, therefore the way they address the reader is like the reader is “a close friend”.
The image used shows them wearing glasses and looking at the camera with a” I don’t care “attitude. The image is in black and white which makes them look slightly scarier and as the image was taken so that they look like their looking down at the reader which also makes them look scarier.The style of the front cover and the style of the article are very different apart from the similar fonts used. The article demands prior knowledge of the band as otherwise the questions may not make sense. e.g. there is a question that says “what was your beef with Robb Flynn about?” the reader has to know who Robb Flynn is in order to be interested in the question.

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